Weekend Coffee Share #44


If we were having coffee, this would be more of a phone meeting. Wee One and I are back in St. Louis with my folks for a couple days. My cousin’s bridal shower was yesterday, and WO and I went to it. What a long-ass day it was, but I’m glad we made the trip.

It’s the first time WO met most of my family, all save one person, and if I’m frank, there’s a good chance she’ll never see most of them again. One of the people who was there, I just don’t want her around WO. I remember her touching me inappropriately, even as recently as 2013. And WO is so curious and happy and loving, she says hi to everyone… Just no.

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Belated Weekend Coffee Share #40 – Mother’s Day


If we were having coffee, we would be talking about our mothers, as well as our kids. Because I have made some mom friends.  I have an annual pass to the zoo and mom friends and things are going well.

Wee One is doing well and it seems that her speech is improving, ever so slightly. Of course, it isn’t happening as fast as I’d like and I’m anxious about it. The therapist was like, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” And I thought to myself, “Well, this isn’t drinking around the world, lady!”


If we were having coffee, we would talk about our mothers. I am lucky enough for mine to still be alive and the older I get, the more grateful I am that she is. 

How was your week? What are you looking forward to this week?


Weekend Coffee Share #42


If we were having coffee, you would have waited to get my drink and a special croissant because it was my birthday – thank you! As it happens, I woke up early that morning shivering because I was drenched in sweat – I’m afraid I was having a hot flash! Boo! My grandmother went through menopause really early, her early 30s, I believe, though my mother did not. I really want to have a second baby.

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Love In Off-Key Singing

Wee One has a pretty regular bedtime routine, and it revolves around the letter B. Bedtime britches (an overnight diaper), bottle, brush teeth, book, and then bed. After the book and before bed is a prayer and song, but those don’t start with B, so I don’t include them. They’re part of the “bed” part of the routine.

I cradle her in my arms and rock and sing her “Baby Mine” from Dumbo, which I have done since she was about 4 months old, and Cohiba, who does not sing at all, has learned the words from hearing me sing it so many times.

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Why I Like Being Facebook Friends With People I Barely Know

It is up in the air whether the Internets help or hurt people, and for a long while when I was on Facebook, I wouldn’t connect with anyone unless I knew them pretty well. Since Wee One was born, I have found myself Facebook friends with people I barely know, (though I still don’t become friends with people I haven’t met,) but there are several different kinds of “strangers” I like being connected to:

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