“It Really Is The Little Things”

Wee One (WO) and I stole outside one morning a few weeks ago, right before the rain. It was muggy but there was a bit of a breeze on the flat land of the playground. She was swinging and I was pushing her baby doll in the swing next to her – at her request – reflecting on pushing that same swing with her as a toddler.

There’s a stream that pops up near the playground and winds through the neighborhood. Pushing the baby doll was meditative, and I reflected on the relationship we had formed with the area.

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Time Freezes During Play

There are, obviously, a lot of games Wee One and I play, and stories we play with. One of them, on a night I don’t want to forget, I’m sharing here. Wee One asked me to tell her an “Evie and Violet story” (two imaginary little girls who have adventures I make up) and her eyes were so wide as she stared off into the distance, imagining what I was saying.

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Weekend Coffee Share #46


If we were having coffee, we wold have a lot to talk about. So much has begun this week. Now that Lanir Day has passed in the US and schools are fully back in session, all those children’s programs that run during the school year have resumed. So once again, it feels like the year revolves around two days: Memorial Day and Labor Day. But how things change.

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Weekend Coffee Share #44


If we were having coffee, this would be more of a phone meeting. Wee One and I are back in St. Louis with my folks for a couple days. My cousin’s bridal shower was yesterday, and WO and I went to it. What a long-ass day it was, but I’m glad we made the trip.

It’s the first time WO met most of my family, all save one person, and if I’m frank, there’s a good chance she’ll never see most of them again. One of the people who was there, I just don’t want her around WO. I remember her touching me inappropriately, even as recently as 2013. And WO is so curious and happy and loving, she says hi to everyone… Just no.

Continue reading “Weekend Coffee Share #44”